Sunday 13 February 2011

HTML5 Video and Fullscreen

I've just been experimenting with the HTML5 video tag and just realized that neither Google Chrome nor Opera allow you to fullscreen the video (OGG) but Mozilla Firefox does if you right-click the video and select Full Screen...

And what of Internet Explorer 8? It doesn't even render the CSS properly, let alone the video!

I found this great article that shows a code sample of how you would implement captions/subtitles/other based on the position in the video. Pretty cool no?


  1. Salam Ahmad,
    For Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 on Windows 7 / Vista / XP SP2 or greater.

    You can install Google Chrome Frame:
    to make IE, HTML 5 compliant!


  2. Wa alaikum assalam. Thanks for commenting Ahmad (do I know you?). You're right and thanks for the reminder. But very few people know about Google Chrome Frame and we can't expect someone to install a plugin when they visit a site just to view the content. A lot of IE6 hits come from people at work and they wouldn't be allowed/able to install it. But the good news for IE home users is that IE9 was released recently and looks more promising.
