Sunday 13 February 2011

How to reset/restart the position of a HTML5 audio clip

A simple google search didn't turn up with any direct results so this might be what you're looking for:


<audio src="samples/brutaldeathmetal.mp3" id="audio" controls>


var aud = document.getElementById('audio');
aud.addEventListener("ended", function(){
    this.currentTime = 0;

What this does is it sets the playtime back to zero seconds when the audio clip ends.

Among the many javascript functions and properties of this tag you can use .play(), .pause(), .ended, .paused, and .duration to manipulate it. And you can even set the .currentTime property to a number within the range of your clip's playback duration (in seconds) to start midway through the clip if you wanted.

HTML5 Video and Fullscreen

I've just been experimenting with the HTML5 video tag and just realized that neither Google Chrome nor Opera allow you to fullscreen the video (OGG) but Mozilla Firefox does if you right-click the video and select Full Screen...

And what of Internet Explorer 8? It doesn't even render the CSS properly, let alone the video!

I found this great article that shows a code sample of how you would implement captions/subtitles/other based on the position in the video. Pretty cool no?

Thursday 10 February 2011

JQuery Hover Effect on Current, Previous and Next elements

I created this simple effect with JQuery and a little bit of CSS. What is does is if you move your mouse cursor over a link it calls the .hover() function and then it applies a class style using .addClass() to the element you hovered over with the mouse and in addition to this is applies a style to its adjacent neighbours using .next() and .prev() to select the links to which to apply the style.

The code is really simple. First off, you use a hover function. The first argument you pass to it is what to do when the mouse hovers over the element. I use .addClass() to apply a style to the element being hovered over ($(this)). The next argument to pass to the function is what to do when the mouse moves off the element and I use .removeClass() to reset the style of the element back to how it was. I encapsulate the arguments in anonymous functions.

In order to access the elements adjacent to that being selected you can use the .next() and .prev() functions, so if, for example, I had a list of 3 items and was hovering over the second one, I can use prev() to have access to the first element and next() to access the third element. When I move the mouse to highlight the first element, there is no previous element so it doesn't select anything to the left but the next element is still there and is accessible. If I highlight the third element then there is no next element so it only has the previous element to select.

Anyway, here's the javascript code:

        /*Carry this out when the mouse hovers over the element*/
        /*Carry this out when the mouse moves off the element*/ 

Now, the CSS to align the elements when the font size got bigger was not straightforward. One would assume that you need to use a combination of vertical-align:middle and display:table-cell or display:inline-block but these didn't do what I wanted. In the end I found the best way to solve the problem was to give the container element (div) a height and then use a large line-height, a large margin-top and text-align:bottom to allow the text to get bigger and not interfere with the content above or below it:

div {height:1.2in; width:100%; border:1px solid black;}
a {margin-top:50px; vertical-align:bottom; line-height:100px; text-decoration:none;}

You can download the code here:

And it's under the public domain license so you're free to do what you like with it.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Drupal error - warning: Cannot modify header information

Upon uploading my site from the local to the remote server an error (warning) was received when attempting to run update.php. If I ignored the warning and continued using the site I would get a blank white page every now and again on the administration pages although it did carry out the requested operation. I was having none of it and it was something that needed to be solved.

The error message I got:

warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/{username}/public_html/drupal/sites/all/modules/{modulename}/{modulename}.module:1) in /home/{username}/public_html/drupal/includes/ on line 148.

It took a while to figure out what the problem was. The first thing to say is that the line and file number it says is causing the problem usually is the file and line number causing the problem. So I opened up the custom module I'd written and here was what it had in the first two lines:

// $Id$

Nothing strange about that. And there was no white space preceding the opening of the php code tag.

To cut a very boring story short, the problem turned out to be that I'd saved the file as UTF-8 and before the opening tag the text-editor had stuck in an invisible UTF-8 marker character which was being sent to the browser before the headers and thus causing the error.

The solution is to change the text file to ASCII (or ANSI as some text-editors call it) or find another way to remove that preceding character(s?) and if any preceding characters show up in the ASCII file then delete them and save the file.